Friday, November 26, 2010

And The Winner Is...

You know how some sites have a prize for the 100th visitor?

Well, this is like that, but BETTER!

I'd like to offer this reward to my FIRST commentator, Anonymous aka Admittedly Harry Potter Obsessed Fanatic!

So I asked myself, what could I possibly do (in a virtual sense) to compensate this brave individual for her heroic actions? (And I resent your suggestion that I'm speaking hyperbolically)

It would have to be something that combined all the things she loves, for example, Harry Potter (duh), Jane Austen, Mr Darcy, Chocolate, and Colin Firth and Jeopardy. This will be quite a feat.

I know! A Jeopardy-style spin-off, hosted by Colin Firth in colonial garb, which covers subjects pertaining to Austen and Potter, and offers chocolate-themed rewards and trips to the Harry Potter Theme Park. There will of course be an inflatable pool on set for Colin Firth to recreate the pond-swimming scene from Pride and Prejudice. And of course, Anonymous (aka AHPOF) will be the only player and the constant winner of this game.

In the meantime, this will have to do:
"Oh hello AHPOF, I didn't see you there..."

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